lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

Typical Australian animal


 The kangaroo is one of Australia’s most iconic animals, and most species are endemic to Australia. There are over 60 different species of kangaroo and their close relatives, with all kangaroos belonging to the super family Macropodoidea (or macropods, meaning ‘great-footed’). The super family is divided into the Macropodidae and the Potoroidae families.
The Macropodidae (macropod) family includes kangaroos, wallabies, wallaroos, pademelons, tree-kangaroos and forest wallabies. Species in the macropod family vary greatly in size and weight, ranging from 0.5 kilograms to 90 kilograms. The Potoroinae (potoroid) family of kangaroos includes the potoroo, bettong and rat-kangaroo, which live only in Australia.
Kangaroos of different types live in all areas of Australia, from cold-climate areas and desert plains, to tropical rainforests and beaches.


Australia, know for its famous "outback", and kangaroos, is the fifth largest country in the worls. its capital is Canberra. Syndey is the best known city with its famous landmark, the Opera House.

Australia became independent, they have a Prime Minister.Australia is a develop country. In the last decades, many people have migrated there in search of a better life. Not many people know about the native Australians, the Aborigines. They are mystic, quiet and artistic people. their music is exotic.